Friday, 25 March 2011

ZEITGUIST Refuted,Final Cut,FULL MOVIE(What Peter Joseph doesn't want you to know!)

This film examines the similarities and differences of pagan religions according to history and scholarly opinion. Additionally, it explores the historicity of Jesus. Also discussed are the Jesus Myth Theory and Astrotheology.

The viewer will also see a critique of the works of Zeitgeist sources cited in the Zeitgeist bibliography such as Acharya S, Gerald Massey and Jordan Maxwell. This documentary exposes the Freemasonry, Theosophy and New Age influence on Zeitgeist and the Zeitgeist Movement.

More info and Donations can be made at Zeitgeist Refuted is a documentary film in response to the bold claims made in Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist the movie concerning the Christian faith.

All DVDs/CDs are FREE! Donations help contribute to upcoming films, materials and shipping worldwide. Make copies and distribute freely. Don't forget to pray! Please contact Elliott Nesch to request free copies or click the donate button below and be sure your current registered address with paypal is correct.
My Testimony by Brother Elliott

My life radically changed when I met God.

I am brother Elliott and today I will tell you about the miracle that saved my life, and changed my life forever. Beforehand, I will warn you that the things of God cannot be put into words like what happened to me. Sharing with others or writing about supernatural experiences I've had with God only frustrates me because it cannot be done effectively. How can I use carnal words from a world that does not know God to describe God. I cannot. I fail. I cannot keep quiet or keep this enlightenment to reality and truth within either. So I will try and I will fail to tell you about God, but I pray that through this attempt you will seek God for yourself.

Before I tell you about these events that changed my life, I will briefly share with you a little about my previous life before the incident. I do not intend to share this to glory in my past life and decisions but, instead, to bring glory to God for what He has done in my life and to offer strength and hope to those who might be listening that are now in the same sad state in which I was. My life and testimony is proof that God exists and that Jesus is alive.

Testimony Continues at the Link below:


*Disclaimer-Elliott Nesch provides no endorsement of the amy2x Channel or the use of its work on the amy2x Channel.

The amy2x Channel provides no endorsement of this Film or Elliott Nesch. The amy2x channel is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this film. This Film is provided for your viewing enjoyment.
It is very simple to be saved. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner, deserving of Hell. Please forgive me of my sins and take me to Heaven when I die. I now believe upon You alone, apart from all self-righteous works and religion, as my personal Savior. Thank you. Amen.

Just take God at His word and claim His salvation by faith. Believe, and you will be saved. No church, no lodge, no good works can save you. Remember, God does the saving. All of it!

God's simple plan of salvation is: You are a sinner. Therefore, unless you believe on Jesus Who died in your place, you will spend eternity in Hell. If you believe on Him as your crucified, buried, and risen Savior, you receive forgiveness for all of your sins and His gift of eternal salvation by faith.

Christ died for your sins. You are a sinner by nature and by choice. Jesus took your sins and charged them to His own record. He went to the cross and paid the penalty for your sins. He says if you're willing to receive Him in faith; He will transfer His payment to your debt, and His righteousness to your sins. He will impute to you His goodness, and impute to His own record your sin; if you in faith will trust Him as your Savior.

Further Info on Salvation at this Link:

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